
Emperor Nintoku (The 16th Emperor who ascended the throne in the first half of the 5th century)
proposed marriage to Princess Medori (her name means female bird), with the help of his younger brother Prince Falcon.

Then Princess Medori said to Prince Falcon.

The Emperor's Empress is a very jealous woman, and because of this she is unable to make my sister, Prince Yatanowaka, happy.

Therefore, I decline the emperor's proposal.

I want to be your wife, Prince Falcon.
she said.

Because of this, Prince Falcon did not return to answer the Emperor.

As there was no reply, the emperor went directly to Princess Medori's house, and sat down at the entrance of the house, and looked inside.

Then, Princess Medori was weaving cloth for clothes on a loom.

The Emperor asked Princess Medori,
For Whom are you weaving the fabric?

Then Princess Medori said.
This is the fabric for clothes for the wonderful Prince Falcon, who seems to be flying high in the sky.

She answered by singing a poem.

Then the Emperor understood Princess Medori's heart and returned to the Imperial Palace.

When her husband Prince Falcon came home, Prince Medori sang a poem to him.

The skylark flies through the sky.

The brave Falcon who wants to fly high in the sky should eliminate the current Emperor, who also has the other name Sparrow.

She sang.

When the Emperor heard about this poem, he decided to kill these man and woman, and sent his army towards them.

Prince Falcon and Princess Medori ran away from the army together.

Then, while the two were climbing the mountain, Prince Falcon sang a poem.

The mountain is so steep that I can't even cling to the rocks, so Princess Medori takes my hand and we climbs up the mountain together.

He also sang another poem.

Climbing up a steep mountain like a ladder, but with my dear Princess Medori, I don't think it's difficult at all.

The two fled further and reached Soni village in Uda district.

There they were both overtaken by the emperor's army and killed.


Excerpt from the history book "Kojiki"

失われた30年  GDPの推移  日経平均の推移  物価の推移  デフレ  平均所得 
 所得の中央値  所得の最頻値  平均年収の推移  各国の時給の推移  各国の購買力平価 
 安い日本  非正規雇用  構造改革  民営化  グローバリズム  MMT  リフレ派 
 積極財政  新自由主義  人口減少  レジ袋有料化  少子化  非婚化  結婚できない  
 非正規雇用  出生数の推移  国連人口統計  出生率予測  フランスの出生率  
 移民政策  介護人材  外国人労働者  大東亜戦争  自衛隊  高崎市役所  生活保護  
 不正受給  神川町役場  社会福祉課  福祉課

