
I was playing Media Quest's Fighting Steel on my Windows 98 desktop when it was released.

That work was a fleet artillery battle game in which you controlled your fleet in real time.

This game was as influential as Microsoft's Combat Fight Simulator.

However, while most games can be run on modern operating systems with some effort, the conditions for running Fightins Steel are extremely difficult.

First, I tried to start it on Windows 10 and Windows 11, but it did not work.

I created a Windows98 virtual machine on Windows10, but it didn't work.

Second, I got some Windows98 laptops and tried to boot them up, but an error occurred and didn't run it .

I think the reason for this is probably a problem with Graphic performance.


The main operating requirements for Fightins Steel are: (1) The OS must be Windows95 or Windows98.

② Video card: Must be equipped with an SVGAB video card with 4MB or more of memory.

③ DirectX must be able to operate effectively.

It has been introduced that an app called dgVoodoo can be used as a tool to start the OS on Windows 10, etc.,
but I was not successful.

I believe that the reason why Fighting Steel did not start on my old laptop running Windows 98 was because of its low graphics peformance.

When I had almost given up, I was able to start Fighting Steel using the following method.

( * However, steering and direction changes were not possible in the game.)

The PC I used was Compaq NX 9040, and the OS was WindowsXP.
In that environment, I installed FightingSteel and rewritten the "DbzLib.ini" file in the "ini" folder in the installation destination folder,
referring to the page below.

→ https://nws-online.proboards.com/thread/1155/run-fighting-steel-on-modern

Just use Notepad app to set 0 and 1.
This will be pasted on the photo.

At this time, it goes without saying that you should be careful to set the settings so as not to put a burden on the graphics, and to set them to start up in Windows 98.


To start Fighting Steel easily, ① Start it on a Windows98 PC with sufficient graphics performance.

Alternatively, ② Install the WindowsXP OS on a PC released as WindowsXP, and then modify some parts, and run it.

Currently, it is becoming difficult to find PCs with high graphical capabilities.
Additionally, gaming PCs (Windows 98) with high graphical capabilities are expensive.

Therefore, I think the easiest way to approach this is to buy a WindowsXP PC, and then customize some parts of it, and start it up.

[Reference]: https://nws-online.proboards.com/thread/1155/run-fighting-steel-on-modern

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